So I finally caved and bought one of these flying monstrosities…. Quite often the better half and I joke about how it looks like a Thunderhawk Gunship was towed and put through a cube crusher before a Techpriest took pity on it. This really put me off until I found out about the conversion kit… Continue reading The Stormraven – Part 1
Author: anatole
Blood Angels Gallery
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Bio Acid Damage on vehicles
So I recently discovered how to pull this effect off when I flicked through a copy of the Games Workshop’s ‘How to Paint Citadel Tanks’. In the book they show some pics of Nid Bio-Acid damage done to some Imperial tanks and described the process. I decided to apply this to the Death Company Drop… Continue reading Bio Acid Damage on vehicles
BA vs. IG Battle Report – 20/06/11
Armies: Imperial Guard: Command Squad (Missile Launcher, Master of the Ordinance) Storm Troopers *6 Psyker Battle Squad *9 +overseer Guardsman Marbo Veteran Squad (3 Plasma, Gunnery Sgt Harker) Veteran Squad (3 Meltaguns, Chimera) Infantry Platoon Command (LT, 4 Flamers, Chimera) 3* Infantry Squad (10 man, Inc. Autocannon) 2*Armoured Sentinel Squads (2 Sentinels in each, all… Continue reading BA vs. IG Battle Report – 20/06/11
Lemartes was my second project for the Blood Angels. He’s another model with some fiddly bits – in particular the bones on the armour. Like the Mephiston post earlier, I used Bleached Bone washed with Gryphonne Sepia to get the awesome appearance you see on the helmet.
So when I decided to collect a Blood Angels army, I decided I wanted to include Mephiston, I mean who wouldn’t? He’s a one man army who tears apart tanks, troops and buildings with his bear hands! Meph was the first figure I painted for my Blood Angel army. Not the wisest move I could… Continue reading Mephiston
40K – Blood Angels vs Imperial Guard: After Action Report (from the Angels perspective)
Background Water pooled in the ruins of a destroyed Imperial facility; collapsed columns, scattered ‘dragons teeth’ tank traps and blast craters littered the landscape like toys strewn from an oversized child’s toy box. As the rain slowed and stopped, the objective the Angels were fighting to secure came into view. A PDF missile silo, it’s… Continue reading 40K – Blood Angels vs Imperial Guard: After Action Report (from the Angels perspective)