The Stormraven – Part 1

So I finally caved and bought one of these flying monstrosities….

Games Worlshop Stormraven

Quite often the better half and I joke about how it looks like a Thunderhawk Gunship was towed and put through a cube crusher before a Techpriest took pity on it.  This really put me off until I found out about the conversion kit done by Chapterhouse Studios, whilst I don’t endorse how much Chapterhouse infringes on GW’s rights or feel the need to tell you buy their products, I am impressed by their conversion kit which lengthens out the hull of the Stormraven to make it look like it can carry what the fluff tells you it can.

Anyway, I digress – I decided to follow as much of GW’s paint guide as possible.

So I started with an undercoat of skull white on the exterior surfaces and skull black on the metallics and interiors. After that dried, I pulled out the handy airbrush and applies a base coat of Mechrite Red to all of the exterior surfaces and the crew. Interior surfaces, engines and landing gear all got a 50:50 mix of Chaos Black and Boltgun Silver applied.

Base Coat

Storm Raven - following basecoating (show interior)

Continued in The Storm Raven – Part 2


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